Our Blog

Things to Know About Dermarollers
Things to Know About Dermarollers Dermarollers have become more and more prominent lately in the world of skin care, but what exactly is it that they do? A dermaroller is a small wheel with tiny s...
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Video - Which Derma Roller Size is Best?
Which is the best Derma Roller size? Are you confused about what derma roller size to buy? This is a question we get frequently asked. Watch this short video clip to find out what needle size is...
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Dermaroller Pain No Thanks We receive an on-going stream of correspondence from people asking us if the dermaroller (skin needling) is painful to use. Many people have seen you tube clips of derma...
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Derma Roller Better than IPL for Scars
Derma Roller Better than IPL for Scars A Recent clinical trial comparing the Derma Roller and IPL for the treatment of Scars found Micro needling to be more effective than IPL. The results of th...
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Is It Possible to Sterilise a Dermaroller?
What is a Dermaroller? A dermaroller is a device that pierces the skin with many small surgical needles. This causes tony areas of damage in the skin, and so the skin will react to this by renewin...
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Derma Roller Design Review There are a wide variety of different designs of derma roller or skin rollers currently available on the market. This blog will not discuss the different brands involv...
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Does Skin Needling Work? Why is it better than a collagen mask?
Does Skin Needling work? Why is it better than a collagen mask? How do you get the best results from skin needling? How often should you use the dermaroller? Why use a 0.5mm? Why not just use a c...
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DERMAROLLER SCAMS We will be describing about dermaroller scams so before describing these scams we should know, what derm roller really is? A Dermaroller is a type of skin needling, which is used...
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8 Untruths about Dermarollers This Blog attempts to dispel many of the common myths or untruths that have developed or been spread about dermarollers over the years. Wherever possible we have incl...
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Anti Aging Secrets from the Far East & Derma Rollers
Anti Aging Secrets from the Far East & Derma Rollers Many of you may be surprised to know that skin needling originates from Ancient China and is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It has b...
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