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How to use a Dermastamp – The Complete Derma Stamp Guide
What is dermastamp and derma stamping? They are small cosmetic tools usually containing around 117 microneedles. The microneedles are used to increase the body's own natural collagen production a...
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Microneedling for Acne Scars : How to Assist Acne Scars
Acne scars: the bane of anyone even the least bit fashion-conscious. But here’s the good news: acne scars can be improved dramatically. You can use skin needling for acne scars by using a derma rol...
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What is Collegenease and how does Dermarolling Improve Scars?
In everything you read about skin needling/ microneedling all you hear about is how it can dramatically increase collagen production. Many of you must have wondered then how just creating more coll...
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What is Collagen Induction Therapy? Effects, uses and more
Collagen Induction Therapy As years go by, our bodies begin to deteriorate, all our skin starts to become dry, fractured, flaked, it loses its clear aspect. This aging process can heavily damage...
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Skin care has always been a major part in the lives of women and men because we are taught to look after our health from a very young age. We often buy buckets full of anti-aging serums in order...
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Microdermabrasion compared to the Dermaroller
Last month we compared IPL to dermaroller treatments. This month we will examine microdermabrasion. How does Microdermabrasion work? Microdermabrasion is a relative recent phenomenon and was first...
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Benefits Of Skin Needling over IPL, Laser, Chemical Peels etc
Benefits Of Skin Needling over IPL, Laser, Chemical Peels etc Many people wonder why skin Needling using a microneedle roller (derma roller) has become so popular not only with beauticians, but al...
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