Acupressure Mat
Acupressure mats have their roots in ancient China where they were used to stimulate acupuncture or acupressure points. A similar tradition developed in India and spiritual men were often seen sitting on a bed of nails.
In China the mats were more therapeutic while in India they were more closely associated with spiritual practice.
The mats themselves were basically spikes attached to a mat. They need to be strong enough to stimulate the skin but not sharp enough to damage it unlike acupuncture needles. It is believed that therapeutically the acupressure mat works by regulating endorphins in the body.
A recent piece of research in the USA showed that when an acupressure or acupuncture mat was used:
- 126 people 98% reported pain relief,
- 96% reported relaxation,
- 94% reported and improvement in sleep
- 81% reported an increase in energy.
By lying in a relaxed way on the acupressure mat you stimulate the acupressure points of the back. The mats can also be used to stimulate other areas of the body and relieve issues in specific areas.
White Lotus has recently introduced the highest quality acupressure mat available on the market. Designed in Europe to accommodate European physiques it has several unique features that make it ideal to assist people at home
- Unique viscoelastic memory foam to cater for your unique structure.
- Unique Velcro straps to allow you to apply the mat to limbs easily and to increase ease of transportation
- Food grade plastic spikes for safety in contact with the skin
- Unique plastic spike attachment process so avoiding the need for potentially toxic glues
- Guaranteed to last 5 years
This mat which is hand crafted in Europe sets new standards for home acupressure and should be experienced to understand the full range of the benefits. See the website for further information about the acupressure mat.