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Memory Foam Akupressurmatte & Kissen - Gewinner Beste in Europa 2018, 2019, 2020


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Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews

I could not imagine life without it... I sleep better, have more energy, and feel more balanced and relaxed. It is also great when I have sore muscles. Great Value. It is more than a treatment, it is a treatment I love and can do whenever I have time for me.


Very high quality products. I bought a smaller cheaper mat in the past and this one surpasses it in every way. If you are having problems with back pain like I have been then this is a very cheap and effective way to get some relief at home.


I bought this to assist with next pain I have experienced since an accident some years ago. The pain had been stopping me sleeping well and has been a real burden to my life. I tried it the first night it arrived. Started using it with a t shirt on just in case it was particularly painful (I dont like needles). It wasnt and I quickly took the shirt off so that it was on bare skin. The shape was good it covered my whole back well and the pillow had a good curve to apply consistent pressure to my neck area. It feels a little spiky at first as you would expect but it is surprising how quickly you get used to it. I found myself really relaxed after about 5 minutes of it. I stayed on it for about 15 minutes. I was watching TV which I am not sure you are supposed to but that is what I was doing and completely lost track of time. I was almost falling asleep by the time I got off it. I decided to go straight to bed even though it was a bit earlier than I am used to. The result, I slept really well. The best I have slept for a long time. I still woke up a few times as I had rolled over and this can sometimes cause me pain. I woke up feeling a lot better. Since then I have used it for about 2 weeks. Overall I am sleeping a lot better. The pain has also improved a great deal and is making things a lot better.


I know it sounds odd as it does not look relaxing, but this has really helped me relax. I suffer from hypertension and get stressed out easily. I find by using this every day I feel more mellow! It is very well made and so easy to use, it also has helped me sleep better.


Just a quick review to say thanks to White Lotus. I found this product when looking for something that might give me some relief for the back pain I have from an old injury. The product is great even after only a few uses. It just eases the pain. I realise it is not going to repair the bones but just to be able to relax in comfort for a while is fantastic. Well done on this product it is a winner.

"Ich liebe es absolut, meinen Dermaroller von White Lotus zu benutzen, er hat bei meinen Narben geholfen und hält meine Haut glatt und verjüngt.”

Bethan Wright

„White Lotus Beauty ist meine Lieblingswahl für ihre wunderschönen Gua Shas, Roller und Kämme. " Ich bin ernsthaft in sie verliebt.

Jo Freeman

"Ich vertraue nur dem weißen Lotus echten Rosenquarz-Kristall, um mein Gesicht zu entstauen - ich liebe die Farbe und Ästhetik und die Ergebnisse nach der Anwendung sind unglaublich."

Tallia Storm

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