Erstellen sie durch akupunktur-meridian
Which most closely describes your skin type?
- Oily, shiny skin with or without break outs of acne and blackheads
- Puffy or Sagging skin where the skin often feels loose and lacks elasticity
- Small fine lines and wrinkles
- Aging skin with larger, deeper wrinkles
- A combination of the above skin issues
Which description best matches the appearance of your tongue?
- Cracks and/or creases on the tongue
- Red circles or ulcers on the tongue or redness at the tip
- Smooth mirror like tongue with no coating
- Thick white or yellow tongue coating
- Teeth marks around the edges of the tongue
- None of the above my tongue looks normal to me
Do you suffer from any of the following?
- Weakness or issues with the lower back and or knees?
- Digestive disorders or discomfort
- Feelings of frustration, pain in the sides or for women sharp premenstrual pain
- Anxiety, heart palpitations
- None of the above
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