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Does the Derma Roller Really work Long Term?
Does the Derma Roller really work long term? Most people are only interested in finding out what the short term benefits of the derma roller is not whether the derma roller really works long ter...
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Derma Stamp: A Great, Affordable Way to Healthy, Glowing Skin
Derma Stamp: A Great, Affordable Way to Healthy, Glowing Skin Most individuals who are familiar with the procedure of micro-needling will attest to the fact that this procedure is one of the effi...
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Dermaroller Video There is a huge amount of misinformation produced about dermarolling. Some of it springs from the desire to sell products while more is produced from genuine ignorance. In this p...
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The Dermastamp We are repeatedly being asked what the difference is between the derma stamp and the derma roller. People want to know when it is better to use the stamp compared to the roller and ...
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Breakthrough Scar Treatment A New Breakthrough Scar Treatment Subject to intensive research in Europe and the USA Trans Derma rollers have clearly proven their amazing anti aging properti...
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Preventing Collagen Loss As you are probably aware, you are permanently losing collagen from your skin. Collagen levels drop by around 50% by the time that you are 35. This often is the time that ...
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Acne Scarring & the Derma Roller
Acne Scarring Acne Scarring up until recent years has been notoriously difficult to treat. Now one of the best treatments available is by using a derma roller and derma stamp. Research has shown a...
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What Does the Name Dermaroller mean? There has been some confusion recently about the difference between Dermarollers, Dermal rollers, Trans dermal rollers etc. The word dermal is originally fro...
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What Makes White Lotus Dermaroller Treatments So Different
What Makes White Lotus Dermaroller Treatments So Different When it comes to dermaroller treatments, not just any type of skin needling, but a natural and less intrusive skin needling treatment ap...
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Vitamin A unnecessary for successful collagen induction
We are often asked why we don't train therapists using vitamin A with skin needling. The reason is it is unnecessary. Several trials have demonstrated the excellent results that can be achieved in...
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