Does Skin Needling Work? Why is it better than a collagen mask?
- How do you get the best results from skin needling?
- How often should you use the dermaroller?
- Why use a 0.5mm?
- Why not just use a collagen mask or get a collagen injection?
Many people are curious to know what all the fuss is about skin needling and does it work? Skin needling has been around for thousands of years and originates from china. It has been practised continuosly for 2000 years plus. In the last fifty years there has been research conducted into needling the skin which have found some remarkable traits already known to acupuncturists.
Skin needling inducts collagen by up to 1000% after a single use. Skin needling also increases transdermal absorption up to 10000 times of topical lotions How do you get the most benefit out of skin needling?What does this mean? You need to use a 0.5mm derma roller or above. Any size smaller than o.5mm doesn't induct collagen. There is no other therapy that makes your own skin make collagen.
By your mid thirties you will have lost about 50% of your skin collagen. Up until this was known people were using collagen injections, or smearing themselves with collagen creams and collagen masks. The problem is is that the results are temporary as soon as the collagen has been eliminated from the body in the case of injections you had to go back and get more. Side effects were also common and many people also were opposed to using collagen from bovine sources (cows).
If you do buy a derma roller make sure that you use skin needling regularly or attend a clinic. If you are already experiencing signs of aging, you will have to build up a certain amount of collagen in the skin before you start to really see the anti aging benefits. The great thing is that by the time you have, your skin will look better than before and you will prevent more signs of aging appearing.
Think of a wrinkle as a lack of collagen- you can see how much you need to physically build up to be of benefit. If you have good skin or want to prevent as much collagen loss as possible simply just use it regularly and do a 3 month intensive every year to make sure you have a good amount of collagen. Some of our customers have used the derma roller regularly for over a year with continuous improvement during this time. You can also attend a clinic that has trained in the white lotus techniques to get the very best advice and treatments. If you do skin needling ocassionally you cannot expect to get the true benefits of skin needling, due to the fact that you need to use it repeatedly to see the results.
For more information about using the derma roller please follow the link